We have teamed up with Realpage Vendor Credentialing to manage the process of ensuring our vendors meet our insurance and other business requirements.
You will need to go complete the RealPage Vendor Credentialing process prior to providing services to any UAG managed community. For more details and benefits, please click on the Register Now and Realpage Vendor Credentialing link below.
Any United Apartment Group managed community or other Property Management Company working with Realpage Vendor Credentialing will be able to see your vendor listing, which will increase your visibility that can lead to potential new business.
Realpage Vendor Credentialing will work directly with your insurance agent(s) and store all documents in a common place.
Step 2: Ops Technology
As a United Apartment Group vendor, you will need to join the Ops Technology vendor community. Ops Technology will open your business up to online orders from our communities, electronic invoice submission, and visibility into the status of your invoices. Joining this community will provide your business with greater sustainability and greater efficiency in billing. How is Ops Technology beneficial to you?
For more details and benefits, please click on the OpsTechnology link below.
Save money invoicing all of your Ops Technology customers online, no longer spend time sending invoices by mail, filing and storing invoices, correcting invoice errors, and following up on late payments. All of your invoices are received instantly by the community.
Vendors can pull orders, invoices, and other detailed reports at the click of a button.
Full visibility into the invoice payment status details.